Most of you are familiar with our little Lucky.
Part of me has a broken heart but I would like to think it is the part that I am sending with her when I have to let her go.
Most of you are familiar with our little Lucky.
Posted by Amanda at 9/15/2010 11:41:00 PM 0 comments
I wanted to post an update here on our new foster, Lucky. Many people have heard about her and seen a post or two on facebook so I wanted to recap her first week with us.....
First, let me tell you the Lucky has idiopathic epilepsy, all this means is that she has epilepsy but there is no diagnosed cause for it. The vets have determined through blood tests and other tests that Lucky was probably born this way.
After a hard day at play....she really has a tough life!! |
Posted by Amanda at 8/30/2010 07:45:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: dog, epilepsy, idiopathic, lucky, phenobarbital, puppy, rescue, seizures
I know.....we said we would wait.....we said we wouldn't do it.....but this is the face that stole our hearts two days before our honeymoon!
Posted by Amanda at 8/12/2010 08:28:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: chihuahua, dog, jack russell, rescue, seizures
Our last of the "Camden three" was adopted last weekend. Cali had a little bit of a struggle but such a happy ending! Cali was pulled June 19 out of Camden, SC. She had just got spayed the day before and came strait from the vet that Saturday morning. As soon as Cali came from the vet Chad picked her up and held her while I was getting Kidd and Heidi. Cali just froze and stared strait in the air. Little did she know at that moment the loving arms around her would become her saving grace and best friend! It was obvious Cali was not used to any human contact and very scared. Cali tested heartworm positive when she was vetted at the shelter so we knew we were in for a challenge, especially never having cared for a heartworm positive dog before. We were definitely up for the challenge and were willing to do what we could to give this angel a healthier and better life.
It took Cali a while to adjust at our house. She was scared, confused and definitely not used to being loved. Just as soon as Cali started to come out of her little shell, she had to go to the vet for her heartworm injection treatments. After the shots we had to keep her very calm and inactive for the next four weeks. During the four weeks Cali broke out of the shell regardless of her not being able to be active. She started showing affection, relaxed when you held her, she didn't cower when you reached for her, she even started giving little nudges and kisses. Chad and Cali became a pair. She got really attached to him and he didn't seem to mind one bit.
A few weeks into Cali's treatment we got an inquiry from a very special family wanting to adopt Cali. We decided to wait until her recovery period was up and to see if Dr. Love cleared Cali to return to normal activity. On Aug 6th Cali was cleared to return to normal activity.
Ralph and Marlin LaSalle could not wait to meet her! We took Cali over to their house to visit and stay for a sleep over the next day. We were really skeptic about Cali and how or if she would ever adapt to a new home. She was very comfortable in our home and extremely attached to Chad.
They always say dogs just have that sense about people. We don't pick the dogs, the dogs pick us. Cali knew and let us know, right away, Ralph and Marlin were going to be her new family.
She has made her self at home and has adapted well. Cali and Ralph have become best buddies!
I am so happy that after such a rough road this little angel got the happy ending she deserved with the best family ever!!
Thank you Ralph and Marlin for choosing adoption and helping save this angel!
Posted by Amanda at 8/12/2010 08:11:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: adopted, dog, foster, jack russell, rescue
I received an update from Roxie's mom....they are doing great! Roxie is working on her manners but adjust very well. Dawn and Roxie are a great pair......
Posted by Amanda at 7/26/2010 08:08:00 PM 2 comments
As most of you know Cali tested positive for heartworms. I am happy to say, she just completed week two of her recovery and is doing great!! She is such a good girl. She takes all her medicine and eats all her food with no problems. We have sorta spoiled her rotten and allowed her to lay on the couch and sleep in the bed. Cali has two more weeks left of recovery and she will go back to the Dr. for another test. Lets all keep our paws crossed that this one is negative. I know she is ready to get in that backyard and play with Sammie.
![]() |
Sammie and Cali napping |
Cali and Kid resting |
Posted by Amanda at 7/26/2010 08:03:00 PM 1 comments
Kid has been adopted!! Last weekend Kid stayed for a sleep over with the Trocchio family. She was a little scared and nervous at first but warmed up to this fun-loving bunch in no time. I couldn't imagine a more perfect place for her. Lots of energy, place to run and play, so much love and plenty of playmates.
We went back Tuesday evening to check on her and the smiles on the boys faces made my week. This is why I do this.....
Posted by Amanda at 7/26/2010 07:54:00 PM 1 comments
As most of you know, we took on a special dog a few weeks ago in hopes of finding her a new home. Roxie is a Pit Bull that belonged to some dear friends of my mom and dad. Unfortunately, they are having to move and since Roxie is a Pit Bull and larger dog, she is not able to relocate with them.
I learned so much about Pit Bulls throughout this experience.....I saw first hand how misunderstood the Pit Bull breed really are. At times, I just wanted to pull my hair out and scream at some of the emails I was getting. "She's not a trophy, she's is someones family member!!!" People just didn't seem to care about the was more like "ooooh looky, a Pit Bull, coooool"
When Dawn emailed me her application, I was hopeful for good things......but what we ended up with, was a next to perfect match. Next to the family Roxie already has, Dawn was a perfect fit!
When Roxie and Dawn met last weekend, you would have never known these two had never met. Roxie loved her to death, she licked, rubbed, leaned....every positive sign she could give us, was given.
While I am very excited that Roxie has found her new home and I have no doubt Dawn will spoil her rotten and give her a perfect life....this was one of the toughest things I had to face.
After Roxie drove away, I stood there with the family that had to just let her go. Not even I could hold back the tears and sadness. I didn't even have words for this family, I couldn't say "I understand"....I couldn't say "I could imagine how hard this is".....I just hugged them both.
Losing your home is one thing but having to give up everything else in the devastating.
I went home this evening and hugged all my babies extra tight.
I am so glad I was able to help this family and I hope they know what they did was brave and great but most of all selfless. They are in my thoughts each and every day and while Roxie will always be in their hearts, I hope one day circumstance allow for another four legged bit of joy into their lives.
I will be checking in with Dawn will post more of an update on Roxie and maybe some new pictures of her and Dawn.
Posted by Amanda at 7/15/2010 09:11:00 PM 2 comments
This weekend was a great holiday weekend! On Saturday, Heidi got adopted and went to live at her new FURever home with Robert and Adaris Pickett. Robert had to work so I met Adaris half way. This is Adaris and Robert's first dog ever and I couldn't imagine a more perfect dog. Heidi is so sweet and a little shy at first but as soon as she learns to trust you, she is a very cuddly and playful girl. Thank you bunches to Adaris and Robert for choosing adoption and helping save one more!
Posted by Amanda at 7/05/2010 08:34:00 PM 1 comments
Posted by Amanda at 6/19/2010 09:10:00 PM 0 comments
I just wanted to post a small note on my ever so neglected blog to say WE ARE MARRIED!!! May 15, 2010 was the best day of our lives. There is so much to tell but because I hired the worlds best photographers (Courtney Aliah Photography) just have to wait until i get my pictures back so that I can tell it storybook style!!!
On a side note....I promise going forward this blog will be updated at least once a week. All of our babies are doing great and we have so much in store for us this summer; that we can't wait to share with you. Chad and I are very excited to be able to use our spare time doing what we love. We are joining a Jack Russell rescue group. Both of us are very excited to be able to donate our time, home and resources to work with this wonderful and adorable breed. We also, have some plans to work on some projects around our house. Then of course in August.....FINALLY OUR HONEYMOON!!!
Stay tuned.......
Posted by Amanda at 6/08/2010 09:14:00 PM 0 comments
46 days away from our big wedding day....and I have details to work out, ugh! It's sunny and getting backyard is calling my name; I have Spring Fever!!! Do the details really matter??? The answer is yes! Slowly I am checking off things one at a time. Thanks to slow days at work, it's making it easier for me to get some of this wedding STUFF done. So what do I have left????
-Porta Potty
- Guitarist
- Learn to make bouquets
......and a ton of other stuff that just needs to be picked up along the way, here and there.....
I still have to go to Olga in April for my dress alterations and then my final fitting in the beginning of May.
I REALLY want to spend sometime in my backyard playing with the dogs and planting......or just sitting would be nice, if we had somewhere to sit other than the ground. So excited to be able to get things done with our house. We have lived here 5 months and haven't been able to do anything we want b/c the wedding has kept us hopping.
Posted by Amanda at 3/30/2010 10:20:00 PM 2 comments
On March 9, 2010, I lost one of the loves of my life. My Grandmother passed away. At the age of 92 she was so many things, a daughter, sister, wife, mother, grandmother and great grand mother. In all aspects of life she was the most caring and loving woman. She touched so many lives in so many different ways. Grandma could speak volumes with just her eyes. They said "I love you", "yes, you can have the last cookie", "I miss you". "behave" and "your my princess". I have so many wonderful memories of my grandma. It's so hard being so far away from the ones you love but the memories you have to hold onto for a lifetime. Grandma was a strong woman and a very strong Christian. My Grandma and Grandpa have passed these values down through generations and I couldn't ask for a better family.
Not many words were spoken when i was sitting with my Grandpa after my Grandma's funeral. He just reached over and held my hand, something Grandma used to do all the time. She would reach her tiny hand over and hold mine as we walked through the shopping mall, sat in church or were just walking through the neighborhood.
besides the way Grandma used to hold my hand, what I remember most is her kisses. They were so soft and so sweet, she would kiss your hand as she held it and then give it a little pat. Alot of times she would grab my face or lean over and kiss my cheek, she didn't have to say anything, you just knew you were loved.
My grandparents have definitely taught me alot about life. It may have taken me a long time to learn these things and open my eyes but I have them with me today and try my best to make them proud. My grandparents were married in 1938, 71 years.
The hardest thing I have ever had to do was leave my Grandpa and come back to NC.
At night when it's bedtime I close my eyes in hope that Grandma's kisses will find their way back to my cheek. I think right now Grandma's arms are wrapped around Grandpa where they belong.
Below is something my Grandpa wrote for my Grandma on their 50th anniversary and updated each anniversary after. October 18, 2003
As the year number seventy
Of our marriage rolls round
I look back and wonder
What makes it so sound
For all these years
Of this fruitful life
I'll just have to give the credit
To a wonderful wife
For she signed her name
And destined her fate
Clear back in the year
of nineteen thirty eight
It took lots of love
And no feeling for fame
To marry a guy with
Twenty eight bucks to his name
We've had a rich life
With things money can't buy
Which proves you can make it
If you both want to try
The honeymoon was brief
From the shortage of cash
But there were really no plans
For the great big bash
The first few years
Were of course a bit lean
As we worked out the rough spots
And found what marriage could mean
Uncle Sam then stepped in
To keep us apart
And when i returned
T'was a completely new start
The girls have both married
And there's grandkids of each
Just to make a comparison
I'd say three plumbs and two peach
Then along came the greats
Four sweet little gals
And you bet with great grandparents
They've become best of pals
To grandma and grandpa
They're pride of our life
and a joy we can share
As a husband and wife
The love that we see
In our family abound
We know that through Christ
Can only be found
All being a part
Of God's family you see
They even have some
To give back to me
And now we thank God
For the privilege we've had
And the joy to be called
Great Grandma and Grandad
And as I', permitted
To continue this life
I'm grateful to have had
This gal for my wife
-George W. Collins
Posted by Amanda at 3/24/2010 10:25:00 PM 1 comments
(from Sammie Poo)
Hey's finally my turn to post on this thing. I have been sick the past few days and my mommy had to take me to the hospital yesterday morning. I am not sure what all was wrong but she keeps saying I ate part of her Mexico...whatever!?! I don't even know what a Mexico is!!
Anyway, it all started late Sunday evening when my mommy dropped something on the floor. (I think I heard her tell my Dr. it was one of her ibuprofen) I snatched it up so that she would chase me, I guess I accidentally swallowed it and wasn't supposed to. A few hours later I threw up all over Mommy and Daddy's comforter and blankets on their bed. It was so gross!!
After that is was on going, I kept throwing up. I felt fine and was still trying to run and play but every once in a while I just needed to stop and throw up. Mommy had alot of cleaning up to do. Eventually it was bed time and I threw up some more but I didn't have a fever and wasn't dehydrated. I finally laid down with Mommy and went to sleep for a few hours.
We woke up in the morning to go to the Dr. and I threw up three more times. ICKY!!! By this time, I was only throwing up nasty yellow water. Anyway, I got to ride in my car seat, which I love to do. This time didn't start out to well, I threw up again in my car seat about a mile up the road. Thank goodness Mommy had some blankets and towels and she pulled over really quick to clean it up for me.
Mommy had already called Dr. Meadows so he was waiting for us when we got there. He is such a cool guy, he did my brother Sport's surgery, a long time ago when he hit a car. The Dr. and Mommy talked for a looooong time and that was so boring. I didn't even have a ball to chase while they were talking. I did see some cool birds out the window at the feeder but I think they got scared when I jumped up to see them because they flew away really quick. I could hear through the door in my room and a bunch of other "kids" started coming in to the waiting room. Boy, there were a bunch of wusses out there, crying, whining, this one was barking like he owned the place. Don't worry, I let him know I was here first!!
Anyway, Dr. Meadows picked me up and took me to the back. WOW oh WOW! that place was so cool, there were lots more "kids" back there too. They must have all been really bad or it was their "night night" time b/c they were all in their kennels, usually that means time out or bed time!
Before I knew what was happening, they stuck me with a stupid needle. OUCH! I was brave though, I am tough, it didn't hurt me at all! Dr. Meadows checked me over really good too. Then he took me back to the room where Mommy was and once again Blah, Blah, Blah...they start talking.
I was ready to go home. I jumped on Mommy and kept telling her lets go. Dr. Meadows was telling her something about toxic levels and she just started crying and got really sad. Dr. Meadows left the room and Mommy sat on the floor to play with me. I didn't understand why we couldn't go home. I kept scratching on the door and telling her to come on but she just patted my head and scratched my ears. I was trying really hard but she just wouldn't bail out of there with me.
Finally, Dr. Meadows came back and he said "Good News" so that made my Mommy stop crying, at least for a minute. I guess they tested that blood they stole from me in the back and I have good blood. I think "Perfect" was the word the good Dr. used! I guess he had a "but" for Mommy b/c he kept talking, AGAIN....gosh these people in white coats talk alot! I overheard him tell Mommy that he felt a lump in my tummy. Duh, everyone's tummy is a lump. This made Mommy cry again, I wish he would stop upsetting her. This isn't fun when she is sad.
Next thing I know, Dr. Meadows is taking me to the back again. I guess I am VIP since only certain "kids" get to walk around with the Dr. back there. The Dr. and his friends all took my picture! They love me here! They took big pics of my entire body, I am a model now.....rolling in the big bucks baby!
Dr. Meadows took me back to the room with my Mommy. By now, it's time for a nap and I haven't thrown up since we left the house. Lets go MOM!!! She wouldn't budge. This place is cool but I want to go home and see my brothers and sisters.
Finally, Dr. Meadows comes back in and he has my pictures! COOL! They sorta look like skeletons and he put them on a wall for Mommy to see. These aren't as cute as the pictures that my Mommy takes of me. I don't think Dr. Meadows is a very good photographer. He is pointing at the pictures and talking to Mommy. She looks really worried...I think she is going to cry again! Awwww, I just want to take her home and give her kisses. I have never seen her this sad before.
Dr. Meadows stepped out of the room again. I think we are finally done b/c Mommy is getting her pocket book together. SWEET! Dr. Meadows forgot to close our door! I'm outta here! I already have VIP status so I can go in the back on my own and check everything out! Uh Oh, I hear Mommy calling for me, better hide! ha ha, Mommy you can't get me back here, your not a Dr. or a "kid". see me Mommy, peeking at you from behind this cabinet! Hi Mommy! Oops there is Dr. Meadows....maybe he will chase me down the hallway. Catch me....oops I found Dr. Meadows office, dead end. He caught me! Oh well, that was fun! I guess I am going home now.
Dr. Meadows took me back to our room. Oh boy, here we go again, him and Mommy are talking...Blah, Blah, Blah. Uh oh, what is this blue thing he is putting on me, that isn't MY leash. Where is Mommy going? Why is she leaving? She is really sad and crying, she kissed my head. She did say she would see me later.
Well, I had to stay at the hospital for the day with Dr. Meadows and his friends. They took good care of me. I heard him tell my Mommy that something was stuck inside me so I had to stay so that they could get it out. I had to drink some icky stuff, then they took more pics of me, then i had to drink the icky stuff again, then more pics again....we had to do this a few times.
Mommy finally came and got me but whatever it was didn't come out of me yet. Who cares, I am just happy Mommy is here and we are going home.
Mommy put me in my car seat and she gave me lots of hugs and kisses, then she said I ate her and Daddy's Mexico, something about me costing her alot of money. I am just happy she isn't crying anymore.
When we got home she gave me some special water, it wasn't that bad so i drank it. It's dinner time anyways. Since we had such a hard day, I am going to help her get all the other "kids" dinners ready. Ok, Mommy feeds Sport and Toby....but where is mine? She pats me and says Dr. Meadows says I can't have any...maybe I don't like him that much after all, that isn't a cool thing to do. I need my food!
Mommy let me outside to go poopy and potty. Yummy, cat poopy is good! Uh oh, busted, Mommy is running at me....I was bad, I know better, but it's so GOOD and she didn't give me any dinner!
What a long day, we are going to go take a nap now in our room. Mommy was changing clothes and I puked all over the place and this time it was really nasty. The cat poopy made me really sick. I think Mommy is going to throw up too. She looks really tired, I am going to be good now and take a nap.
When I woke up I had yucky yellow stuff all over my bottom. Oops, I got it on the comforter and blankets too. I don't think I will eat any more of the chicken broth, it makes my tummy rumble.
Mommy has to wash me and all the blankets again. I didn't realize I had diarrhea, it just came out while I was sleeping. I guess I am really sick after all. I am going to take my medicine like a good boy and take it easy. I don't think I will drink anymore of that chicken water stuff though. Mommy keeps making it for me but I am not touching it.
I heard Mommy tell Daddy that I ate half of their Mexico. I am not sure what a Mexico is but I wont ever eat it again.
I did get a tiny bit of kibbles today, Daddy said bits and bits at a time (Dr.'s Orders). I have to take 3 different medicines for the next 14 days too but they go in these yummy snacks.
Thank you for everyone who was worried about me and prayed for me to get better.
Sammie Poo
Posted by Amanda at 3/02/2010 08:53:00 PM 1 comments
I had tons of things to accomplish Sunday. Straighten hair, Chad and I had lunch with my parents for Chad's 30th birthday, I needed to go find some new work pants, bake a cake, and work on paper lantern project.
Posted by Amanda at 3/02/2010 07:19:00 PM 2 comments
Ribbon, ribbon and more overwhelming!!
Mom and I hit the road today looking for some supplies and ideas for some DIY projects for the wedding. I realized I was going to need ribbon for a few projects. What size? What color? What texture? Rolls and rolls from ceiling to how did I end up empty handed?
I am not a crafty person. I just can't visualize what the ribbon will look like around the bouquets without the bouquets in my hand. In the back of my mind, I know no one will notice and/or care; they are just flowers for crying out loud.
Regardless of ending up empty handed, I still had a great time spending time with my mom. She is good with crafts and probably better at putting ideas together than I am, so she will be pretty busy helping me out the next few months.
Every store had paper lanterns, just not the color I was looking for. They are probably going to blow away anyways but I still want to give it a shot. I ended up buying a few white ones from Michaels just to test out and see if my ideas work. Hopefully, I will get to this tomorrow afternoon.
Posted by Amanda at 2/27/2010 11:18:00 PM 0 comments
Posted by Amanda at 2/25/2010 09:37:00 PM 1 comments